Who taught Nicki how to twerk?!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
How far would you go?
I decided to do something different this week...
I have the craziest relationship stories. Maybe it's because I am naive; maybe it's because I am a hopeless romantic, or maybe it's because all the good men are gone...whatever the case may be I've decided that I will no longer be selfish and keep these stories to myself but that I would share them with the world so that at least one girl out there wont make the same mistakes I did...
Anyway...here goes...
There is this guy, we will refer to him as "he-who-shall-not be named" and we had a on and off relationship. I met him about a year ago and we were involved, (under the wrong circumstances-but I REFUSE to get into that) but involved none-the-less. He was pretty serious when we met (or so I thought) but I was "big pimpin''" at the time and didn't want to settle. I felt as though he was coming on too strong and I blew him off but I was completely honest about it.
Any who, his job had him travel so we talked every now and then while he was away. I remember being excited about his homecoming. He had this "new perspective" on living life and I was happy for him. We began to talk everyday and of course feelings grew...
He came to see me and little did I know that this "new perspective" meant going out with the boys all the time, (which I don't mind) and messing with other chicks, (which I do mind). Even though we weren't exclusive we were messing around which is exclusive as it gets for me and I remember looking in his phone and seeing all kinds of crazy stuff and the thing that tripped me out was that he was so open about it. Like, "I'm not phasing those broads" blah blah blah... needless to say I got mad and was like "screw you, you're a liar" but of course my naive ass came back because he happened to drop the "L" word at the right time.
He went back to work (which is in another state mind you) but I wanted to prove my worth so I put in work. We kept in touch, talking everyday, making plans, the whole nine. I was leaving my desk to cake with this dude in the locker room at my job... I was "in love". Of course, me being an Aries, when I fall I fall HARD. No if's and's or butt's about it ... I wanted a commitment obviously and I wanted it from him. What was it about him? I honestly think that it was the challenge...he didn't fall into my hands as easily as other guys did and I liked that about him. He made plans to come see me so we could talk about us and I remember saying in my head "Ok, if he funks this up I am not messing with him any more".
(This right here ladies and gentlemen was a test. It was CRUCIAL that he didn't mess this up but of course, guys never know when they are being tested so they always manage to fail.)
Nonetheless he failed.
The DAY he was supposed to come see me he told me he was down here and that he would hit me up when it was time for us to go out....
That call never came.
I was mad as fk. I deleted all the photos I had of him, except one, a very incriminating one because part of me wanted to be petty. I deleted his number, and later added it back under "Flaw Ass" so that I wouldn't accidentally answer it.
He didn't call me that entire weekend. Every time I called him that night it rang so I didn't hit him up after that day and I tried ONE more time on that Sunday night but it went straight to voicemail.
I was raging mad... I knew he was flaw but gaahh damn really? I just wanted to know WHY. But I put my pride to the side and went about my life... and started partying really hard and talking to other guys to get my mind off of him...
A week went by and I get a text from him saying that he funked up. Damn right you did! But I didn't write back because that's just how this game goes.
A few hours later he calls and of course I just let it ring. It's damn near 3:30 in the morning! (I'm not sleep but he doesn't know that....) then I get a text. I think it's from my homegirl so I look at it and it's from him saying "I'm about to kill myself"
Are you freaking serious?
I contemplate ignoring it but I don't know if he is serious so I call my homegirl @MissezTurner to ask her if I should call him or does she think he is playing... she's drunk mind you but she has enough sense to say "uh yeah"... so I call him and he answers.
I'm boiling mad at this point, "WHY YOU CALLING ME AT 4 IN THE MORNING WITH THIS MESS? ARE YOU ABOUT TO KILL YOURSELF? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" (because I am just the best with dealing with people on the brink of suicide)
And he's like "I wasn't going to do that, I just wanted to talk to you and you weren't responding to my calls..."
Are you fucking serious???
Who does that? I happen to think that suicide is a very serious matter and for someone to play about it to get my attention is just childish... Maybe a "Sorry I am such a flaw ass mfker and I want to make it up to you" would have worked better, yeah I still would have ignored it but still...don't ya think ya took it a BIT too far. Maybe in his twisted mind that was ok...but I beg to differ...
How far would YOU go to get someone's attention?
I have the craziest relationship stories. Maybe it's because I am naive; maybe it's because I am a hopeless romantic, or maybe it's because all the good men are gone...whatever the case may be I've decided that I will no longer be selfish and keep these stories to myself but that I would share them with the world so that at least one girl out there wont make the same mistakes I did...
Anyway...here goes...
There is this guy, we will refer to him as "he-who-shall-not be named" and we had a on and off relationship. I met him about a year ago and we were involved, (under the wrong circumstances-but I REFUSE to get into that) but involved none-the-less. He was pretty serious when we met (or so I thought) but I was "big pimpin''" at the time and didn't want to settle. I felt as though he was coming on too strong and I blew him off but I was completely honest about it.
Any who, his job had him travel so we talked every now and then while he was away. I remember being excited about his homecoming. He had this "new perspective" on living life and I was happy for him. We began to talk everyday and of course feelings grew...
He came to see me and little did I know that this "new perspective" meant going out with the boys all the time, (which I don't mind) and messing with other chicks, (which I do mind). Even though we weren't exclusive we were messing around which is exclusive as it gets for me and I remember looking in his phone and seeing all kinds of crazy stuff and the thing that tripped me out was that he was so open about it. Like, "I'm not phasing those broads" blah blah blah... needless to say I got mad and was like "screw you, you're a liar" but of course my naive ass came back because he happened to drop the "L" word at the right time.
He went back to work (which is in another state mind you) but I wanted to prove my worth so I put in work. We kept in touch, talking everyday, making plans, the whole nine. I was leaving my desk to cake with this dude in the locker room at my job... I was "in love". Of course, me being an Aries, when I fall I fall HARD. No if's and's or butt's about it ... I wanted a commitment obviously and I wanted it from him. What was it about him? I honestly think that it was the challenge...he didn't fall into my hands as easily as other guys did and I liked that about him. He made plans to come see me so we could talk about us and I remember saying in my head "Ok, if he funks this up I am not messing with him any more".
(This right here ladies and gentlemen was a test. It was CRUCIAL that he didn't mess this up but of course, guys never know when they are being tested so they always manage to fail.)
Nonetheless he failed.
The DAY he was supposed to come see me he told me he was down here and that he would hit me up when it was time for us to go out....
That call never came.
I was mad as fk. I deleted all the photos I had of him, except one, a very incriminating one because part of me wanted to be petty. I deleted his number, and later added it back under "Flaw Ass" so that I wouldn't accidentally answer it.
He didn't call me that entire weekend. Every time I called him that night it rang so I didn't hit him up after that day and I tried ONE more time on that Sunday night but it went straight to voicemail.
I was raging mad... I knew he was flaw but gaahh damn really? I just wanted to know WHY. But I put my pride to the side and went about my life... and started partying really hard and talking to other guys to get my mind off of him...

A few hours later he calls and of course I just let it ring. It's damn near 3:30 in the morning! (I'm not sleep but he doesn't know that....) then I get a text. I think it's from my homegirl so I look at it and it's from him saying "I'm about to kill myself"
Are you freaking serious?
I contemplate ignoring it but I don't know if he is serious so I call my homegirl @MissezTurner to ask her if I should call him or does she think he is playing... she's drunk mind you but she has enough sense to say "uh yeah"... so I call him and he answers.
I'm boiling mad at this point, "WHY YOU CALLING ME AT 4 IN THE MORNING WITH THIS MESS? ARE YOU ABOUT TO KILL YOURSELF? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" (because I am just the best with dealing with people on the brink of suicide)
And he's like "I wasn't going to do that, I just wanted to talk to you and you weren't responding to my calls..."
Are you fucking serious???
Who does that? I happen to think that suicide is a very serious matter and for someone to play about it to get my attention is just childish... Maybe a "Sorry I am such a flaw ass mfker and I want to make it up to you" would have worked better, yeah I still would have ignored it but still...don't ya think ya took it a BIT too far. Maybe in his twisted mind that was ok...but I beg to differ...
How far would YOU go to get someone's attention?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Fee Chronicles: 20 Icebreakers
My Fee @MissezTurner (you can check out here blog here) and I were having a conversation
about dating new guys VERSUS being comfortable in relationships. We were interrupted by a text message I received
from a guy I am getting to know that said, “What do you like to do for fun?” I expressed my disgust for answering such cliché
questions and how I didn’t even want to continue the conversation because it's always the same thing over and over with every guy you meet. We decided to come up with a set of some
not-so-cliché icebreakers that are sure to spice up any first date or that awkward "getting-to-know-you" stage. We’ve decided to answer the
questions too, just for kicks!
This will be the first of many co-blogs from @MissezTurner and I which we shall call:
"The Fee Chronicles"
Don’t judge us by our answers…but you probably will
1. What was the drunkest you've ever been and what
did you do?
@LaunaKMonet One
word: Tailgate but I’ll let
@MissezTurner tell that story and I’ll talk about the time after that… When I
was about 18 or 19 I got kicked out my house on Christmas and ended up bumming
it on a couch at my friends dorm in Miami. We decided to hit up this club
called Rendezvous on the Lake and party the holiday away and this particular club
had three flights of stairs. I don't remember much of the night because
it was mad blurry but I do recall not eating much that day and somehow, we
ended up on the third floor of the club looking down at all of the people on
the main floor. I blacked out twice up
there and we decided that it was time to go home. I missed the first step and ended up falling
down three entire flights of stairs. My
home girl was tried to help me and ended up falling with me too. I was so gone that I wasn’t even embarrassed
that the entire club witnessed me busting my ass, I just got up, dusted myself
of and stumbled out the door.
@MissezTurner At one of the most hood parties I have ever been to
in my life. We were 18, working as telemarketers, and got invited
to an album release party for Lefty Gunz. Since we were young, and wanted
to ensure that we had drinks, @LaunaKMonet filled up two water bottles of
Bacardi and Cuervo, and we downed both of these before we even set foot
into the club (We mixed these with NOS energy drinks which is why
@MissezTurner got so messed up). We went straight to the bar
and topped that off with screwdrivers (Because that’s the only drink we could
think of off the top of our heads, being underage).
After drinking those, we got blessed with some greenery from Lefty Gunz
himself, and then we topped that off with Long Island Iced Teas (another one of
the only drinks underaged kids know off the top of their heads).
This is where it starts to get fuzzy …
I remember sticking & rolling ( S/O to Dade County), lying on
the couch in my short-enough-to-be-a-t-shirt-dress , my Boss stumbling over and
telling me to get it together, @LaunaKMonet yelling saying “Fee, I’m going
to need you to chill the F*ck out,” (I only did that because
I was trying to sober up too!!) and the spot lights during Lefty’s performance
(We were later informed that there weren’t any spot lights in the
I was so messed up that I let @LaunaKMonet drive my car home. I don’t
let her anywhere near my keys sober.
Anyway, I ended up throwing up in a Winn-Dixie Bag and waking up drunk
the following morning to go to school. Too bad I ended up driving home
Follow up:
-What were you drinking that night?
@MissezTurner Everything.
@LaunaKMonet Vodka and something… don’t remember.
2. What was the worst job you had and why?
@MissezTurner Burger King. Enough Said.
@LaunaKMonet McDonalds… they had me doing WAY TOO MUCH
for $7.25 an hour.
Follow up:
-Have you ever been fired?
@MissezTurner Let’s just say my boss didn’t like me…
@LaunaKMonet yeah I got fired through e-mail once
because they didn’t want to give me Christmas off…then he lied about it when I
tried to claim unemployment.
3. Who was the last person you deleted from your
phonebook and why?
@MissezTurner Lol, he was saved as “Remi, Straight no Chaser,” After
speeding off from his house in the middle of a date
(that I arranged) I realized that I had absolutely NO
reason for him to be in my phone.
@LaunaKMonet He’s
saved as “Flaw Ass” now simply because he is FLAW and because I don’t want to
accidentally pick up his calls, I don’t delete numbers anymore, I just save
them under something that reminds me why I shouldn’t talk to him.
4. What was the last text you sent last night?
@MissezTurner “Ok. I’m Leaving now”
@LaunaKMonet “My pleasure!! We had fun!!”
5. What did you think about the Carter 4?
(Seperate the lames from the real)
@MissezTurner Honestly, he should’ve just let Drake
ghost write the album.
@LaunaKMonet To be completely honest, I didn't listen to
the entire album yet, I was going to buy it and @MissezTurner told me no.
After Sorry for the Wait I wasn't too eager to cop it, but he did sell damn
near a milli the first week… so I’ll check it out…
6. What was your first car?
@LaunaKMonet I drove a 1995 Nissan Quest minivan, it was
beige and the sliding door did not work but I was whippin’ it!
@MissezTurner 1995 White Chevy Cavalier that I paid for with my Burger
King Money. Good times.
7. What was the best concert you've ever been too?
@LaunaKMonet , @MissezTurner and I went to a Waka Flocka
Flame concert in this hood ass club for like $30. It was the best
concert of my life, I was so crunk and he had so much energy!
@MissezTurner I have paid like 200$ a Drake concert, and this
weekend, I will be going to see J. Cole (Two of my favorite
rappers) but I will risk all of my Hip Hop credibility to say Waka
Flocka Flame was the LIVEST concert I have ever been to.
8. Do you have any kids? (You've go to ask now a
@LaunaKMonet No, I don't plan on having children out of
@MissezTurner No. Knock on wood. Twice.
9. Ass or tities?
@LaunaKMonet *Big Sean Voice* Ass-ass-ass-ass-ass... lol
@MissezTurner *Bubba Sparks voice*
10. Have you ever been arrested?
@LaunaKMonet & @MissezTurner Luckily, no.
Follow up:
-What was your last run in with the police?
@LaunaKMonet Tuesday… I was going 68 in a 35…but in my
defense I was coming down a bridge, EVERYONE’S car automatically accelerates
when they are coming off of a bridge…
@MissezTurner Saturday. Apparently, hanging onto the side
of a vehicle in motion is illegal.
11. What exactly are you looking for right now?
@LaunaKMonet Well, to be honest...shoot, I'm just trying
to kick it right now!! Lol, seriously though, relationship-wise I want someone
who is loyal, honest, ambitious, funny, respectful and faithful.
@MissezTurner Someone comfortable enough make me their housewife. I
swear, I don’t mind.
12. What website do you visit the most?
@LaunaKMonet (looks
at most visited sites) Twitter, Blogger, LinkedIn, Model Mayhem, my email,
Dormtainment.com, Blackgirlsareeasy.com and Facebook.
@MissezTurner I don’t have cable, so Youtube is like the finest
of Comcast packages right now. After that, it’s Nahright.com, Facebook,
Twitter, RapRadar.com and Blackgirlsareeasy.com
13. Do you have a Twitter/Facebook? (You can learn
so much about a person from their photos)
@LaunaKMonet Duh….
@MissezTurner Who doesn’t?
14. Are you a rapper, model, actor, entrepreneur,
dope dealer, pimp, stripper, etc.
@LaunaKMonet I
model, act and write J
@MissezTurner Unfortunately , no. But, If I’m under the
influence, then possibly all of the above.
Follow up : What is your back up plan in case that
doesn't work out?
I will either pursue a career in hospitality, broadcast journalism
(after I get my Masters) or in PR/Marketing (which is what I received my
bachelors degree in). Always gotta have
a Plan B!
15. What is your government name?
@LaunaKMonet ... De’Launa…You can call me Launa.
@MissezTurner It’s Jonel…Missez Turner if ya nasty. (I know…I
couldn’t resist)
16. What is your Zodiac sign?
@LaunaKMonet "Flirtatious like an Aries...."
@MissezTurner “Im a Capricorn. I came here to get managed…”
17. Can you do the Stanky legg?
@LaunaKMonet When I'm drunk lol, @MissezTurner can kill
the stanky legg though.
@MissezTurner I can do the stanky-est of legs.
18. Do you have any tats/piercings?
@LaunaKMonet 4 tattoos, 7 piercings
@MissezTurner 1
Follow up: What are they and where?
@LaunaKMonet Chinese symbol for strength/power on my
foot, stars behind my ear, my zodiac sign on my rib and a black widow with a
heart abdomen on my ring finger...as far as piercings, use your imagination. :)
@MissezTurner I have flowers up my left side with the
Chinese symbol for beauty underneath. For one, it keeps me in check when
my self esteem isn’t the highest. Secondly, it reminds me
that I cant get fat.
19. Android or iPhone?
@LaunaKMonet Droid Droid Droid!
@MissezTurner Droooooooooooooid
Follow up: Mac or PC?
@LaunaKMonet Mac!!
@MissezTurner PC till I die!
20. What do you think about Beyonce's pregnancy?
Beyonce is PERFECT. * In my Kanye
Voice * “Matthew taught you well!!”
@MissezTurner The Illuminati is watching. I’ll keep my
mouth shut on this one.
Try these questions out on your first date with some one new or while you're playing the "21 questions" texting game! You'll know if you really want to continue seeing them after you do!!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Pretty Girls Rock Dresses :)

Dea: Joking with my friends Sonya Johnson and Antonette Copeland, we talked about how we would "ROCK" dresses 3 days a week. We would wear gloves, tights, and heels. I suggested that "PRETTY GIRLS ROCK DRESSES". A joke between friends went viral and struck a chord with so many people. We started the dress challenge from March 1, 2011 and it went through June 31, 2011. A pretty girl was any woman who participated in our challenge and embraced the ideas of femininity.
L: Could you tell us a little more about Pretty Girls Rock Dresses and what inspired the creation?
D: The movement was a JOKE. On Martin Luther King's birthday I was watching Malcolm X. I suggested that men should follow the dress code of the Nation of Islam. I was inspired by Denzel Washington looking good in a blue suit. One Facebook friend suggested that women should dress more like ladies then the men would follow "SUIT". A conversation ensued and PGRDresses was born.
L: Dressing like a “lady” is becoming rarity judging by the way some young ladies dress today, how do you feel this impacts the attitudes of these young women and how they are perceived by society?
D: The way we dress impacts how we feel and how people treat us. Since starting PGRDresses, many of my pretty girls have discovered their feminine power. Women and men alike treat a well dressed woman differently. You feel better about yourself when you put on a nice dress; it's empowering. On the onset of this challenge so many women were receptive; I also got a little backlash. Some women wanted to know why they should wear dresses. I suggest that the dress is merely a symbol; the rules for the challenge were loose for women who just couldn't get with the idea of "ROCKING" DRESSES.
L: Unless you are in the office environment you don’t really see a lot of women dressing like ladies in respectable dresses and feminine suits, what do you feel has contributed to this habit over time?
D: I think laziness is one reason. We live in a society where going the extra mile is not expected. How many of us have been guilty of throwing on a bummy t-shirt and those extra comfortable jeans? I mean you’re just running to the store right?. The office dress code is business casual, so why should I wear dresses or suits? I think society moved away from going the extra mile. How many times have you looked at a well dressed person and think, "Why are they so dressed up?!”
L: You have those days where it is so easy to throw on a pair of sweats and go!! I love the fact that you have created this challenge for women to put some effort into their appearances and throw on a cute dress and heels. What makes you put in the extra effort on those days that you may want to skip the dress and just throw on your sweats?
D: LOL, I feel compelled to dress the part now. Yesterday, I wore a pair of dress slacks to work and so many people had something to say. I realized that this was the first time I’ve worn slacks in months. I was that girl who just threw on jeans and tennis shoes. It's amazing that I am the head of an organization of girlie girls. I have come to the realization that I am a BRAND. We all are brands. Our image is what we show the world. I want my image to be one of classiness, refinement, and feminine empowerment. Dresses are so empowering and pretty. I have an affinity for pretty things.
L: Your blog covers a variety of topics such as fashion, healthy lifestyles and relationships, where do you get the inspiration for these topics?
D: Thank you. I work hard to cover topics that will be of interest to my followers. I am blessed to have a great group of people who submit posts to ensure all voices are heard. I try to share ideas, thoughts, and businesses. I love the opportunities that God has given me to help others. There’s nothing like reaching a stranger. So many people have reached out to me regarding my blog and the dress challenge. One woman emailed she was rocking a dress for the first time in over 30 years. That's POWERFUL. I have young girls participating in my movement. I have great-grandmothers participating in my movement. My movement is colorless, classless, and open for all women and girls. I just want to give a voice to the voiceless. It's an honor.
L: Could you tell us more about your Pretty Dapper Fella of the week and PGRDress Star of the week sections and what a person could do to be featured?
D: Pretty Dapper Fella is a way to get the fellas involved in the pretty movement. We have some brothers making moves in the community and doing good works. Pretty Dapper Fella is an opportunity to highlight these men. PGRDress Star is our star of the week; a woman who is doing good things in the community or in business. I love to celebrate good people doing good things. PGRDress Stars used to be a daily event but that was just too much work. So once a week we feature a Pretty Dapper Fella and a PGRDress Star. We accept nominations at prettygirlsrockdresses@gmail.com
L: Having a consistent following for a blog, or movement is tough, how did you stay motivated in the beginning stages of the Pretty Girls Rock Dresses movement and what types of things did you do to gain support?
D: In the beginning, there was so much excitement. We had so many topics to cover and rules of engagement so the blog was just a natural outcry. I was blessed to have support on the onset. I mentioned earlier that my movement started on Facebook and it went viral. I had a captivated audience and it was all a matter of stepping up to the plate. God threw me a great ball and I was there to catch it. It has been an amazing ride.
L: What is next for the “Pretty Girls Rock Dresses” movement? Do you want to expand the movement on a global basis, or do other challenges?
D: We have so many wonderful things in store. I am excited about my new partnership with celebrity stylist Adrene Ashford of the House of Adrene. We will be hosting pretty parties in Atlanta and we will be executing "PRETTY D.E.E.D.S." to service the community. Our new website is scheduled for October 1st, 2011 the same day of our Fall Swapnista Party in Atlanta. We are excepting vendors and pamper suite participants. You can check it out at http://www.swapnista.blogspot.com/. We also have new blog contributors coming on board. This includes: Pretty Financial Advisor, Pretty Dapper Fella Relationship Column, Pretty Advocate, and Pretty Physical/Mental Wellness Spot. I am beyond ecstatic about the direction of PGRDresses. We have PGRDress REP-STARS in several cities. We do pretty works in New York, Boston, Houston, Memphis, and we have other cities in the works. My goal is to continue the movement, reach more people, and be the change that I want to see in the world. Thank you so much for the opportunity and I invite your followers to check us out at http://www.prettygirlsrockdresses.com/.
Follow the movement on Twitter @PGRDresses
Support the movement http://www.prettygirlsrockdresses.com/
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Petite Powerhouse of Talent!

Launa: How did you come up with your name?
B.Monet: It was easy to come up with my name. My First name is Bianca-Monet. Many people call me Bee and some people call me Monet. From that alone B.Monet was born.
L: Could you tell us about your musical background? Have you always wanted to rap? What inspired you to begin rapping?
B: My musical background goes to before I was born. I was raised on music. My mother was an R&B artist who used to sing at clubs, parties, and big events that took place at Bayfront Park and Bicentennial Park back in the 80s and the 90s. Her music was played on the local radio stations and her single is still being sold. Now she sings Christian music at our family church. My father was the Executive Producer and Owner of a Record Label Called Buckethead Entertainment. My dad's label was the label of the artist Bishop who dropped the hit single "U Know U Ghetto" that placed on the Billboard Charts and his album was sold Nationally. My dad also worked with people such as J. Little from the Rude Boyz (hit single "It’s Written All Over Your Face") Gerald LeVert, Uncle Luke, Uncle Al, Trick Daddy, Chaos from Grind Mode (hit single "I'm So High”), and many others. Now it’s my turn to move ahead in this rap game and it’s my time to shine! My mother was a singer and my father owned a record label. When I was a child I decided that music would also be my life. My mom put me in private violin lessons when I was 5. From there I grew as a musician. By the time I was 17 and a senior in high school, I was Drum Major/Band Captain in the Marching Band, played a variety of instruments, was president of the Modern Music Masters Honor Society (Tri-M) and I graduated with honors in Music. During this time I also wrote poetry. When I would present my poems people used to say, "Why does all of your poetry sound like rap music? I met with a group of friends one night and I spit poems I had from my book. Needless to say, they loved it. I took off from there, writing rap music.
L: Are you working with a label right no? If so, whom?
B: I am with a small upcoming independent record label right now called STR8LYKDATT Records located in Goulds.
L: Would you sign with a major label or would you rather go independent? Why?
B: That’s a tough question. I like independent labels because they give the artist more room to be creative. With Major labels you might have to make certain adjustments to fit the mold that they want to create. But major labels have major cash. It’s hard. Who ever has the better overall deal and if I feel like the company is right for me I'll sign on the dotted line; major or independent.
L: What other talents do you have?
B: I can act very well. I can dance, I can model (that is a talent) and I play instruments!
L: What projects are you currently working on? What is next for you?
B: I'm working on two mix tapes. My Debut entitled “Parental Advisory: Explicit Content” which is supposed to be dropping in January 2012. The second Mix Tape which is a collaboration with myself and another artist named MadMaxx who is from Florida City called “It Is Over” dropping Mid 2012.
L: What would be your dream collaboration (What artist are you dying to work with)?
B: My dream collaboration would definitely have to be The Boss Rick Ross!!! He's the King of Miami I'd love to work with him!
L: Tell us something interesting about you that your fans may not know:
B: I dream of owning a chain of music stores that sells instruments and private lessons (like the store I had my very first private lesson in) to keep providing children with a musical outlet since they are taking music programs out of schools.
Want More B.Monet?
Listen to her Music
Watch her Videos
Follow her on Twitter @itsbmonet
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My cousin Rushelle in Cali suggested that I submit my photos to this site and I did!!
Check me out --->>> Black Girls Killing It
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
New Shoes!!
I shouldn't be spending money but...I couldn't help myself!!

I just recently added these peep-toe boots to my collection and I must say that I am in LOVE!!
The mesh cut-out's make them edgy and I LOVE edgy and of course there is a heel for the extra height I so desperately need!
The line is called Miista by Laura Villasenin and it is based in Hackney, London. You can check out the site here--->> Miista Shoes!!!
I love these shoes so much that I even did a photo shoot with them on!! Stay tuned for pictures!!
In the meantime, sing the New Shoes song with me! LOL :)

I just recently added these peep-toe boots to my collection and I must say that I am in LOVE!!
The mesh cut-out's make them edgy and I LOVE edgy and of course there is a heel for the extra height I so desperately need!
The line is called Miista by Laura Villasenin and it is based in Hackney, London. You can check out the site here--->> Miista Shoes!!!
I love these shoes so much that I even did a photo shoot with them on!! Stay tuned for pictures!!
In the meantime, sing the New Shoes song with me! LOL :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Heiress to the Fashionista Throne!
How did you get your start in fashion styling?
I got my start by styling all of my friends. I was the fly girl in school and everyone would always ask me for fashion advice. I would put looks together for them; pick out jewelry and things like that. I also worked at a retail store in high school so I had easy access to the latest trends. I was in love with everything that fashion meant, and knew I wanted a career in it. I did internships and reached out to people that knew some people, so that I could shadow and work with them.
What do your services include?
TecarraRene Styling Co. was designed to make any Man or Woman feel amazing! I try my best to style all of my clients in things that look great and make them feel great. My services including personal shopping, (wardrobe and gift shopping as well), revamping and organizing closet spaces so that they are more accessible, removing items that are not figure friendly or out dated and replacing them with key pieces that will remain timeless I also do wardrobe styling for all age groups and income brackets.
What type of clients have you worked with in the past?
I have worked with local rappers, career women and men, single mothers and a few models and athletes.
What are your fashion must-haves?
My fashion must-haves are big cocktail rings, skyscraper heels, and anything black. I have so many fashion must-haves how can I choose?
What trends do you see becoming popular for the upcoming fall season?
I think leather will still be a HOT trend, leather dresses, skirts, bags. Another trend that is staying around is color blocking, which if done correctly looks amazing. We will see lots of texture in garments and lots of skirts all lengths this fall. Bold reds will be in this fall i.e. red pants, skirts, bags and prints; especially southwestern prints.
What is your favorite trend of all time?
My favorite trend of all time is the LBD (Little Black Dress). They are so easily dressed up or down, you can accessorize and just play with texture and color, you can never go wrong with a LBD.
How do you stay up to date with current trends in the fashion market?
I read several fashion books and magazines. I surf the web least an hour everyday and check in with some of my favorite fashion blogs. I actually just finished reading a book called "Secrets of Stylists: An Insiders’ Guide to Styling the Stars” by Sasha Charnin Morrison. This book is helpful to anyone who wants to break in the business; it’s a great help to me, since I'm working my way up.
Have you ever committed a fashion no-no?
I have always been a fashionista! But I'm sure I've picked some less than stellar choices!
Never give up and pursue your dreams. A well-known stylist by the name of Alisha Crutchfield recently told me to “keep at it and never give up, if this is something that [I] love and am passionate about, it will all work out, sometimes your start is slow."
What are you currently working on right now? What is the next step for you (career-wise)?
I'm currently working on my image consulting company TecarraRene Styling Co. and contributing writing for an online publication,The Pub Report . Look out for Peace.Love.Fashion coming in the near future, (its a surprise!) I don’t want to give away too many details.
You can connect with Tecarra on her blog or on Twitter --> @TecarraRene
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